zjhxmjl 发表于 2012-2-29 11:08:28

expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘GdaValueType’

expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘GdaValueType’
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glade/glade.h>
#include <libgda/libgda.h>
#include <glib/gprintf.h>

typedef struct _DgField {
gchar *name;      /* field name appearing in an SQL query */
gboolean required;/* whether this field is required */
GdaValueType type;/* corresponding application data type */
} DgField;

typedef GList DgFields;/* field names appearing in an SQL query */

typedef struct _DgExtractor {
gchar *query;      /* text comprising SQL query used to extract data */
DgFields *fields;/* field names appearing in SQL query used to extract data */
} DgExtractor;

typedef struct _DgSelector {
GtkCList *clist;   /* widget from which user selects data */
DgFields *fields;/* pointers to constructed fields whose corresponding data is available for selection */
} DgSelector;

typedef struct _DgExposer {
GtkWidget *widget;/* widget used to expose retrieved query data */
DgField *field;   /* pointers to constructed fields whose corresponding data is available for exposure */
} DgExposer;

typedef GList DgExposers;

typedef enum _DgQueryType {
DG_QUERY_TYPE_ORDINARY,       /* ordinary SQL query */
DG_QUERY_TYPE_EMPTYCHECK,   /* check that result set of SQL query is empty */
DG_QUERY_TYPE_NONEMPTYCHECK,/* check that result set of SQL query is nonempty */
DG_QUERY_TYPE_EMPTYTEST       /* take action according to whether result set of SQL query is empty */
} DgQueryType;

typedef GList DgQueries;/* queries used to manipulate the database */

typedef struct _DgQuery {
DgQueryType type;         /* specify whether the result set should be checked */
gchar *query;             /* text comprising SQL query used to manipulate database */
gchar *error_message;   /* when a check fails this error message is displayed */
DgQueries *emptycase;   /* when a test yields empty these queries are executed */
DgQueries *nonemptycase;/* when a test yields nonempty these queries are executed */
} DgQuery;

typedef struct _DgExecutor {
GtkToggleButton *atb;/* add toggle button */
GtkToggleButton *mtb;/* modify toggle button */
GtkToggleButton *rtb;/* remove toggle button */
GtkToggleButton *stb;/* submit toggle button */
GtkToggleButton *ctb;/* cancel toggle button */
DgQueries *inserter;   /* queries used to manipulate the database upon an add request */
DgQueries *updater;    /* queries used to manipulate the database upon a modify request */
DgQueries *deleter;    /* queries used to manipulate the database upon a remove request */
} DgExecutor;

typedef struct _DgManipulator {
DgExposers *exps;/* widget used to expose data to user and possibly allow manipulation */
DgExecutor *exec;/* when set to some value points to actions which may be carried out */
} DgManipulator;

typedef enum _DgControlState {
DG_NONE,    /* user has not initiated any operation */
DG_ADD,   /* user has initiated an add operation */
DG_MODIFY,/* user has initiated a modify operation */
DG_REMOVE   /* user has initiated a remove operation */
} DgControlState;

typedef GList DgControls;

struct _DgXML;

typedef struct _DgControl {
gchar *cname;          /* control name used to identify control */
DgExtractor *extr;   /* pointer to data extraction structure */
DgSelector *sel;       /* pointer to data selection structure */
DgManipulator *manip;/* pointer to data manipulation structure */
GdaDataModel *dm;      /* result set from executed queries */
gint rownum;         /* result set selected row number */
DgControlState state;/* control state */
struct _DgControl *master;/* master control node */
DgControls *details;      /* detail control nodes */
struct _DgXML *dg;   /* back pointer to data gui structure */
} DgControl;

typedef struct _DgMasterDetail {
DgControl *master;   /* master control node */
DgControl *detail;   /* detail control node */
DgFields *fields;    /* master detail fields */
} DgMasterDetail;

typedef struct _DgMaplet {
DgField *sfield;/* sender field */
DgField *rfield;/* receiver field */
} DgMaplet;

typedef GList DgMaplets;

typedef struct _DgSendReceive {
DgControl *sender;   /* control which knows about values to be copied to receiver */
DgControl *receiver;   /* control which is to receive values from sender */
DgMaplets *maplets;    /* correspondence of sender fields to receiver fields */
GtkButton *messenger;/* optional widget used to initiate data movement */
} DgSendReceive;

typedef GList DgMasterDetails;
typedef GList DgSendReceives;

typedef struct _DgXML {
DgControls *ctls;         /* complete list of controls */
DgMasterDetails *mds;   /* complete list of master details */
DgSendReceives *srs;      /* complete list of send receives */
GladeXML *xml;            /* glade XML user interface structure */
GdaConnection *cnc;       /* database connection */
GtkDialog *error_dialog;/* dialog used to display errors */
GtkLabel *error_label;    /* dialog label used to display error */
} DgXML;

typedef struct _DgControlIter {
DgControl *ctl;
GQueue *fringe;
} DgControlIter;

void dg_print_control(DgControl *control);

void dg_print_controls(DgControls *controls);

DgControl *dg_get_control_by_name(DgControls *controls, const char *cname);

#endif // PARSER_H
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